Author | year | Title | Pub Journal | Vol. Page | Family |
Sasakawa M. | 1961 | A study of the Japanese Agromyziade(Diptera) part.2 | Pacific insects / Entomology Department, Bernice P. Bishop Museum. | 3(2-3):307-472 | Agromyzidae ハモグリバエ科 |
SASAKAWA, Mitsuhiro | 1954 | Neue Agromyzidae aus Japan V | Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society | 4(3): 35-49 | Agromyzidae ハモグリバエ科 |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1974 | Anthomyiidae of Japan (Diptera). | Insecta Matsumurana New Series | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 | |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1977 | Supplemelltary notes on the family .Anthomyiidae of Japan, I (Diptera). | Insecta Matsumurana New Series | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 | |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1984 | Supplementary notes on the family Anthomyiidae of Japan (Diptera), III | Insecta Matsumurana New Series | 29: 39-57 | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1998 | Supplementary notes on the family Anthomyiidae of Japan (Diptera), V. | Insecta Matsumurana New Series | 54:p. 33-50 | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1999 | Japanese records of anthomyiid flies (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). | Insecta Matsumurana New Series | 55: 203-244 | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 |
SUWA, Masaaki | 2000 | A revision of the chinensis group of Pegomya in Japan(Diptera: Anthomyiidae) | Insecta Matsumurana New Series | 57:89-127 | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1991 | Discovery of Tow Additional Species of Phorbia from Japan (Diptera, Anthomyiidae) | Japanese Journal of Entomology | 59(1) | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1970 | On the Japanese species of the genus Hydrophoria Robineau-Desvoidy, with description of a new species (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) | Kontyû | 38: 246-251 | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1971 | Notes on the Japanese leaf-miners of teh genus Pegomya Robineau-Desvoidy, with descriptions of two new species (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) | Kontyû | 39: 262-272 | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1971 | Notes on the genus lasiomma Stein in Japan, with descriptions of two new species (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) | Kontyû | 39: 28-36 | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 |
諏訪正明(SUWA, Masaaki) | 1970 | ビートを加害するモグリハナバエ類(Pegomya spp.) について(予報)[Preliminary notes on beet-flies, Pegomya spp. injurious to beet (Diptera: Anthomyiidae)] (In Japanese with English summary) | Kontyû | 38: 146-161 | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 |
諏訪正明(SUWA, Masaaki) | 1971 | ジャガイモを加害するモグリハナバエの1種 Pegomya dulcamarae Woodについて | Kontyû | 39(3):320-321 | Anthomyiidae ハナバエ科 |
E.O.Engel | 1930 | Asilidae | Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region IV(2) | Asilidae ムシヒキアブ科 | |
NAGATOMI, Akira;Ding Yang | 1991 | A Study on the Chinese Suragina (Diptera, Athericidae) | Japanese Journal of Entomology | 59(4):755-762 | Athericidae ナガレアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1964 | Atherix (Heterosuragina) Nagatomi, A new Synonym of Atherix (Atrichops) Verrall | Kontyû | 32(1)69 | Athericidae ナガレアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1979 | Notes on the aquatic snipe flies (Diptera: Athericidae) | Kontyû | 47: 158-175 | Athericidae ナガレアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1979 | A revision of the genus Atrichops (Diptera: Athericidae) | Kontyû | 47: 281-290 | Athericidae ナガレアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1953 | Descriptions of two new Atherix-species from Japan | Mushi | 25(3 | Athericidae ナガレアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1984 | Taxonomic Notes on Atrichops (Diptera, Ahericidae) | 鹿児島大学南方海域研究センター | 5(1):10-24 | Athericidae ナガレアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira;Ding Yang | 1992 | Asuragina, a New Genus of Athericidae (Insecta, Diptera) | 動物分類学雑誌 | 48 | Athericidae ナガレアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1984 | Notes on Athericidae (Diptera) | 南海研紀要 Rep. Mem. Kagoshima Univ. Research Center for the South Pacific | 5(2):1984 | Athericidae ナガレアブ科 |
TAKAHASHI, Mitsuo | 1960 | Revision of the Japanese Bibionidae (Diptera, Namatocera) | Pacific Insects | 2(4) | Bibionidae ケバエ科 |
Kitakami Siro | The Revision of the Blepharoceridae of Japan and Adjacent Territories | Biological Laboratory, Kumamoto Women's University | 15-79, Pl. I-V | Blepharoceridae アミカ科 | |
久松定成 | 1999 | 今月の虫 ニトベハラボソツリアブ | インセクタリウム | Bombyliidae ツリアブ科 | |
MIYAGI, Ichiro | 1973 | Description of a new species of Canaceidae, with one unrecorded species, from Formosa (Diptera: Canaceidae) | Kontyû | 41: 80-81 | Canaceidae ニセミギワバエ科 |
M. Yamamoto | 1985 | TWO NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS CHASMATOIVOTUS FROM JAPAN | Esakia | 24 | Chironomidae ユスリカ科 |
KANMIYA, Kenkichi | 1978 | New records of the Oriental genera of Chloropinae (Diptera, Chloropidae) from Japan and Taiwan, with descriptions of two new species | Kontyû | 46: 192-206 | Chloropidae キモグリバエ科 |
KANMIYA, Kenkichi | 1978 | Notes on the genus Chlorops Meigen (Diptera, Chloropidae) from Japan and Formosa | Kontyû | 46: 52-76 | Chloropidae キモグリバエ科 |
KANMIYA, Kenkichi | 1971 | Study on the genus Dicraeus Loew from Japan and Formosa (Diptera, Chloropidae) | Mushi | 45(8): 157-180 | Chloropidae キモグリバエ科 |
Yie Shi-tao | 昭和8 | 日本産アミカモドキの観察(Observations on a Japanese Deuterophlebia) | 台湾博物学会会報 | 23 | Deuterophlebiidae アミカモドキ科 |
G.YA.BEI-BIENKO | Keys to the INSECTS of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 Part 1 | English Edition | Diptera | ||
G.YA.BEI-BIENKO | Keys to the INSECTS of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 Part 2 | English Edition | Diptera | ||
大原 賢二 | 1983 | Yellow Pan Trapによる採集法と、アルコール液浸標本を乾燥標本にする方法 | まくなぎ | 10 | Diptera |
伊藤修四郎 | 双翅目 | 現代生物学大系 無脊椎動物B | 276-318 | Diptera | |
大原 賢二 | 八重山のハエ採りはいつ頃がいいのか | 双翅目学会ニュース | Diptera | ||
丹沢山地動植物目録 双翅類 | 丹沢大山自然環境総合調査報告書 | 神奈川県環境部 | Diptera | ||
双翅類 | 動物系統分類学 | 7(下C) | Diptera | ||
熊沢隆義・松村 雄 | 1986 | 日光のハエ・アブ | 日光の動植物 | 586-587 | Diptera |
TAKAHASHI, Mitsuo | 1958 | Revision of Japanese Dixidae (Diptera, Nematocera) | Mushi | 32(1): 1-16 | Dixidae ホソカ科 |
Kazuhiro Masunaga and Toyohei Saigusa: | 1998 | A taxonomic study of the genus Medetera Fischer von Waldheim of Japan (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) | Entomological science / the Entomological Society of Japan | Dolichopodidae アシナガバエ科 | |
Kazuhiro Masunaga, Toyohei Saigusa and Norman E. Woodley: | 1999 | A Remarkable Disjunct Introduction of Conchopus borealis Takagi to the New World (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) | Entomological science / the Entomological Society of Japan | Dolichopodidae アシナガバエ科 | |
Masunaga, K.: | 2000 | Two new species of the Torrenticolous genus Diostracus Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with biogeographical notes on the Japanese fauna | Entomological science / the Entomological Society of Japan | Dolichopodidae アシナガバエ科 | |
T. Saigusa, K. Masunaga, C.E.Lee | 1997 | The Genus Diostracus Loew from Korea (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) | Esakia | 37 | Dolichopodidae アシナガバエ科 |
Takagi, S. | 1960 | Descriptions of two new species of Argyra occuring in Japan (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) | Insecta Matsumurana | 23(2):121-125 | Dolichopodidae アシナガバエ科 |
Takagi, S. | 1965 | A contribution to the knowledge of the marine shore Dolichopodidae of Japan (Diptera) | Insecta Matsumurana | 27:49-100 | Dolichopodidae アシナガバエ科 |
Takagi, S. | 1968 | The dipterous genus Diostracus Loew (Dolichopodidae) | Insecta Matsumurana | 31(5):35-62, 16pls(III-XVIII) | Dolichopodidae アシナガバエ科 |
Saigusa Toyohei | 1995 | New species of the genus Diostracus from Eastern Asia (Insecta, Diptera, Dolichopodidae) | 九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科紀要 : bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University | 1 | Dolichopodidae アシナガバエ科 |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1981 | Description of a new Japanese species of Oedoparena, an Asio-American dipterous genus (Dryomyzidae). | Insecta Matsumurana New Series | 22 | Dryomyzidae ベッコウバエ科 |
KURAHASHI, Hiromu | 1981 | A revision of the genus Dryomyza (Diptera, Dryomyzidae) from Japan | Kontyû | 49 (3): 437-444 | Dryomyzidae ベッコウバエ科 |
T. Saigusa | 1990 | A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS SYNECHES FROM BORNEO (DIPTERA, EMPIDIDAE) | Esakia | Special 1 | Empididae オドリバエ科 |
KATO, Akira | 1971 | On the genus Bicellaria Macquart from Japan (Diptera, Empididae) | Kontyû | 39: 279-284 | Empididae オドリバエ科 |
KATO, Akira | 1971 | A new species of the genus Leptopeza Macquart from Japan (Diptera, Empididae) | Kontyû | 39: 284-287 | Empididae オドリバエ科 |
Saigusa Toyohei | 1965 | Two new species of Clinocerinae from Japan (Diptera, Empididae) | Kontyû | 33(1):53-57 | Empididae オドリバエ科 |
Brcker, T. | 1928 | Ehydridae | Dei Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region | 56:49-115 | Ephydridae ミギワバエ科 |
Miyagi, I. | 1977 | Fauna Japonica Ephydriae (Insecta: Diptera) | Keigaku Publishing | 目次 及び P1-55 | Ephydridae ミギワバエ科 |
MIYAGI, Ichiro | 1966 | Descriptions of three new species of Ephydridae, with one unrecorded species from Japan (Diptera, Ephydridae) | Kontyû | 34 (2): 136-140 | Ephydridae ミギワバエ科 |
Koizumi, K. | 1949 | Description of a new species of Notiphila, a serious pest of rice roots (Diptera, Ephydridae) | 松虫 / 北海道帝国大学農学部昆虫学教室インセクタ・マツムラナ | 3(3):246-266 | Ephydridae ミギワバエ科 |
Mathis & Zatwarnicki | 1995 | World Catalog of Shore Flies (Diptara:Ephydridae) | Ephydridae ミギワバエ科 | ||
KURAHASHI, Hiromu | 1971 | A new species of Fannia from Japan (Diptera, Muscidae) | Kontyû | 39: 287-289 | Fanniidae ヒメイエバエ科 |
西田和美 | 1970 | 日本未記録のヒメイエバエ1種 | Kontyû | 38:143-145 | Fanniidae ヒメイエバエ科 |
OKADOME, Tsunemaru | 1966 | A new species of the genus Suillia from Is. Okinawa-Hont^o (Diptera: Helomyzidae) | Kontyû | 34 (3): 242-243 | Heleomyzidae トゲハネバエ科 |
OKADOME, Tsunemaru | 1968 | New and unrecorded species of the genus Suillia from Japan (Diptera: Helomyzidae) | Kontyû | 36 (1): 99-102 | Heleomyzidae トゲハネバエ科 |
OKADOME, Tsunemaru | 1969 | A new species of the genus Suillia from Northeastern Nepal (Diptera:Helomyzidae) | Kontyû | 37 (4): 397-398 | Heleomyzidae トゲハネバエ科 |
OKADOME, Tsunemaru | 1969 | Description of three new Helomyzid flies from Japan | Kontyû | 37 (4): 399-402 | Heleomyzidae トゲハネバエ科 |
SASAKAWA, Mitsuhiro | 1985 | JAPANESE LAUXANIIDAE (DIPTERA) IV | AKITU NEW SERIES | 73 | Lauxaniidae シマバエ科 |
M. Sasakawa | 1997 | Lauxaniidae and Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the Ryukyus | Esakia | 37 | Lauxaniidae シマバエ科 |
M. Sasakawa, T. Y. Pong | 1990 | LAUXANIIDAE (DIPTERA) OF MALAYSIA (Part 2) | Esakia | Special 1 | Lauxaniidae シマバエ科 |
Sasakawa, M. & S. Ikeuchi. | 1982 | A revision of the Japanese species of Homoneura (Homoneura) (Diptera, Lauxaniidae) Part 1. | Kontyû | 50: 477-499. | Lauxaniidae シマバエ科 |
SASAKAWA, Mitsuhiro;IKEUCHI, Shigeki | 1983 | A revision of the Japanese species of Homoneura (Homoneura) (Diptera, Lauxaniidae) Part 2. | Kontyû | 51(2):289-297 | Lauxaniidae シマバエ科 |
SASAKAWA, Mitsuhiro;IKEUCHI, Shigeki | 1985 | A revision of the Japanese species of Homoneura (Homoneura) (Diptera, Lauxaniidae) part 3 | Kontyû | 53 | Lauxaniidae シマバエ科 |
NISHIDA, Kazumi | 1973 | Four species of the genus Fannia occurring in Japan, with description of a new species (Diptera: Muscidae) | Kontyû | 41: 92-94 | Muscidae イエバエ科 |
NISHIDA, Kazumi | 1974 | On eight species of the genus Fannia (Diptera, Muscidae) from Japan, with the description of new species | Kontyû | 42: 184-191 | Muscidae イエバエ科 |
MORAKOTE, Rut | 1988 | Four new species of Nephrocerus Zetterstedt (Diptera: Pipunculidae) from Japan | Esakia | (26): 79-90 | Pipunculidae アタマアブ科 |
HARA, Hideho | 1989 | Identity of Rivellia fusca (Thomson) and description of a new allied species, with special reference to the structure of abdomen of Rivellia | Japanese Journal of Entomology | 57:793-802 | Platystomatidae ヒロクチバエ科 |
HARA, Hideho | 1992 | Description of a new species of Rivellia from Japan | Japanese Journal of Entomology | 60:427-431 | Platystomatidae ヒロクチバエ科 |
HARA, Hideho | 1993 | Rivellia basilaris (Wiedemann) and its allied species in East Asia I | Japanese Journal of Entomology | 61:819-831 | Platystomatidae ヒロクチバエ科 |
HARA, Hideho | 1994 | Rivellia basilaris (Wiedemann) and its allied species in East Asia II | Japanese Journal of Entomology | 62:497-505 | Platystomatidae ヒロクチバエ科 |
KURAHASHI, Hiromu | 1974 | A new species of the genus Euprosopia (Diptera, Platystomatidae) from Japan | Kontyû | 42(1):40-43 | Platystomatidae ヒロクチバエ科 |
笹川 満広[SASAKAWA, Mitsuhiro] | 1986 | 日本産チョウバエ科(双翅目)の覚え書[Notes on nomenclatorial changes of Japanese Psychodidae (Diptera) (I)](in Japanese with English summary) | AKITU, New Series | (83): 1-5 | Psychodidae チョウバエ科 |
TOKUNAGA, Masaaki | 1938 | Two undescribed species of Japanese ptychopterid craneflies | Mushi | 11(2): 186-190 | Ptychopteridae コシボソガガンボ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira;Nagatomi Hisako | 1990 | A revision of Atherimorpha White, 1915 from southern Africa (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Ann. Natal Mus. | 31:33-82 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira;Ding Yang | 1992 | A STUDY ON THE CHINESE RHAGINA (DIPT., RHAGIONIDAE) | Ent. Mon. Mag. | 128:87-91 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1982 | THE GENERA OF RHAGIONIDAE (DIPTERA) | Jurnal of Natural History | 16:31-70 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1971 | New Rhagio-species from Japan (2) (Diptera: Rhagionidae) | Kontyû | 39: 275-279 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1978 | The Japanese Chrysopilus (Diptera, Rhagionidae)(3) | Kontyû | 46: 445-454 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1986 | The Japanese Ptiolina (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Kontyû | 54: 309-323 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1986 | Male Genitalia of the Genus Ptiolina and Spania (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Kontyû | 54(3)460-466 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira;SAIGUSA, Toyohei | 1982 | The Japanese Spania (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Kontyû | 50: 225-232 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1969 | Symphoromyia crassicornis (Panzer), New to Japan (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Mem. Fac. Agr. Kagoshima Univ. | VII(1):189-195 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1970 | Ussuriella Paramonow, a new synonym of Arthroceras Williston (Diptea, Rhagionidae) | Mem. Fac. Agr. Kagoshima Univ. | VII(2):293 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1958 | Studies in the Aquatic Snipe Flies of Japan Part I, | Mushi | 32:47-67 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1960 | Studies in the Aquatic Snipe Flies of Japan Part II, | Mushi | 33:1-3 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1961 | Studies in the Aquatic Snipe Flies of Japan Part III, | Mushi | 35:11-27 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1961 | Studies in the Aquatic Snipe Flies of Japan Part IV, | Mushi | 35:29-38 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1962 | Studies in the Aquatic Snipe Flies of Japan Part V, | Mushi | 36:103-149 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1952 | New Rhagio-species from Japan (1) (Diptera: Rhagionidae) | Mushi | 24(3):7-12 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1954 | A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS ARTHROCERAS WILLISTON FROM JAPAN (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Mushi | 26(4):13-15, Plate | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1958 | The Japanese Chrysopilus (Diptera, Rhagionidae)(1) | Mushi | 32(3):33-41 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1958 | Studies in the aquatic snipe flies of Japan Part I. Descriptions of the adult (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Mushi | 32(5): 47-67 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1960 | Studies in the Aquatic snipe flies of Japan Part II. Descriptions of the eggs (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Mushi | 33(1): 1-3 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1961 | Studies in the aquatic snipe flies of Japan Part III. Descriptions of the larvae (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Mushi | 35(3): 11-27 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1961 | Studies in the aquatic snipe flies of Japan Part IV. Descriptions of the pupae (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Mushi | 35(4): 29-38 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1968 | The Japanese Chrysopilus (Diptera, Rhagionidae)(2) | Mushi | 42(4):29-62 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1968 | THE MALE GENITALIA OF THE JAPANESE CHRYSOPILUS (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | Mushi | 42(6):71-80 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1966 | The ARTHROCERAS OF THE WORLD (Diptera: Rhagionidae) | Pacific Insect | 8(1):43-60 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1972 | New Rhagio-species from Japan (3) (Diptera: Rhagionidae) | Rep. Mem. Kagoshima Agri. | VIII(2):79-85 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1985 | A New Ptiolina from Nepal (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | 鹿児島大学南方海域研究センター | 6(2):211-219 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1986 | The Formosan Rhagionidae Described by BEZZI (Diptara, Rhagionidae) | 鹿児島大学南方海域研究センター | 7(2):91-105 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira;Ding Yang;Chi-kun Yang | 1997 | The Rhagionidae of China (Diptera) | 鹿児島大学南方海域研究センター | 17(2):113-262 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira;Nagatomi Hisako | 1987 | The Genus Austroleptis from South Chile and Patagonia (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | 鹿児島大学南方海域研究センター | 8(2):139-156 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira;Nagatomi Hisako | 1990 | Three New Rhagio from the Ryukyus (Iriomote I.) and Borneo (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | 鹿児島大学南方海域研究センター | 11(1):37-49 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira;Nagatomi Hisako | 1990 | A New Arthroteles from South Africa (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | 鹿児島大学南方海域研究センター | 10(2):309-316 | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira | 1958 | 水棲シギアブ類の生活史 Life History of the Japanese Aquatic Snipe Flies (Diptera, Rhagionidae) | 兵庫農科大学研究報告 | 3(2) | Rhagionidae シギアブ科 |
KURAHASHI, Hiromu | 1970 | Studies on the Calypterate muscoid flies from Japan Vii. Revision of the subfamily Miltogramminae (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) | Kontyû | 38: 93-116 | Sarcophagidae ニクバエ科 |
KURAHASHI, Hiromu | 1972 | Studies on the calypterate muscoid flies from Japan IX. Subfamily Macronychiinae (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) | Kontyû | 40: 173-180 | Sarcophagidae ニクバエ科 |
KURAHASHI, Hiromu | 1975 | Studies on the Calypterate muscoid flies from Japan XI. Subfamily Agriinae (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) | Kontyû | 43: 202-213 | Sarcophagidae ニクバエ科 |
福原楢男・倉橋 弘 | 1966 | 日本産フンバエ科に関する知見(1) | Kontyû | 34:247 | Scatophagidae フンバエ科 |
福原楢男・倉橋 弘 | 1966 | 日本産フンバエ科に関する知見(2) | Kontyû | 34:288 | Scatophagidae フンバエ科 |
福原楢男・倉橋 弘 | 1966 | 日本産フンバエ科に関する知見(3) | Kontyû | 34:297 | Scatophagidae フンバエ科 |
福原楢男・倉橋 弘 | 1966 | 日本産フンバエ科に関する知見(4) | Kontyû | 34:326 | Scatophagidae フンバエ科 |
SUEYOSHI, Masahiro | 2001 | A revision of Japanese Sciomyzidae (Diptera), with description of three new species | Entomological science / the Entomological Society of Japan | 4(4):485-506 | Sciomyzidae ヤチバエ科 |
IWASA, Mitsuhiro;KANMIYA, Kenkichi;LEE, Chang Eon | 1994 | Note on the Sepsidae (Diptera) from South Korea | Esakia | (34): 203-208 | Sepsidae ツヤホソバエ科 |
IWASA, Mitsuhiro | 1980 | Studies on the Sepsidae from Japan (Diptera) I. Revision of the genus Sepsis Fall'en, with a key to the Japanese genera | Kontyû | 48 (3): 402-413 | Sepsidae ツヤホソバエ科 |
IWASA, Mitsuhiro | 1981 | Studies on the Sepsidae from Japan (Diptera) II. Notes on the genus Themira Robineau-Desvoidy, with descriptions of two new species | Kontyû | 49 (1): 45-53 | Sepsidae ツヤホソバエ科 |
Iwasa, M. | 1982 | A new Oriental species of the genus Spesis from Taiwan and Indonesia (Diptera, Sepsidae) | Pacific insects / Entomology Department, Bernice P. Bishop Museum. | 232-234 | Sepsidae ツヤホソバエ科 |
NAGATOMI, Akira;TANAKA, Akira | 1971 | The Solvidae of Japan (Diptera) | Mushi | 45(6): 101-146 | Solvidae |
Nagatomi, A.; Sutou M.; Tamaki N. | 2001 | Synopsis of Japanese Oxycera (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) | Entmological Sci. | 4(4):523-531 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A. | 1964 | The Chorisops of the Palaearctic Region (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) | Insecta Matsumurana | 27(1):18-23 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A. | 1990 | Species-groups of Sargus and a new Japanese species (Diptra, Stratiomyidae) | Japanese Journal of Entomology | 58(4):735-745 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A | 1968 | Exodontha dubia (Zetterstedt), new to Japan (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) | Kontyû | 36(3):255-258 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A. | 1977 | The Clitellariinae (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) of Japan | Kontyû | 45(2):222-241 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A. | 1977 | The Staratiomyinae (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) of Japan, I | Kontyû | 45(3):377-394 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A. | 1977 | The Staratiomyinae (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) of Japan, II | Kontyû | 45(4):538-552 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A. | 1978 | Rhaphiocerina hakiensis (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) | Kontyû | 46(1):1-7 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A.; Iwata, K. | 1981 | Female Terminalia and Systematic Positions of Some Stratiomyidae (Diptera) | Kontyû | 49(4): | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A | 1969 | The Japanese Actina and Allognosta (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) | Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University | 7(1):149-176 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A & A.Tanaka | 1972 | The Japanese Beris (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) | Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University | 8(2) | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A.:Yukawa Junichi | 1968 | THE GENUS INOPUS(=METOPONIA, ALTERMETOPONIA ((Diptera: Stratiomyidae) | Pacific Insect | 10(3-4):521-528 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A.:Yukawa Junichi | 1969 | THE CHIROMYZINAE FROM NEW GUINEA | Pacific Insect | 11(3-4):633-643 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A.; Miyatake M. | Ouchimyia new name for Acanthinoides ouchi (Diptera; Stratiomyidae) | Transaction of the Shikoku Entomological Society | 8(4):132 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 | |
Nagatomi, A. | 1975 | The Sarginae and Pachygasterinae of Japan (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) | Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London | 126(3):305-421 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A. | 1990 | コガタノミズアブ | インセクタリウム | 27 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A ; Ding Yang | 1992 | A Study on the Chinese Beridinae (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) | 南太平洋研究 South Pacific Study | 12(2):129-178 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A ; Ding Yang | 1992 | The Chinese Clitellaria (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) | 南太平洋研究 South Pacific Study | 13(1):1-35 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A ; Ding Yang | 1993 | The Chinese Oxycera (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) | 南太平洋研究 South Pacific Study | 13(2): 131-160 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 |
Miyatake M. | 1965 | Six new species and one new name of some dipterous families Japan. | Transaction of the Shikoku Entomological Society | 8 | Stratiomyidae ミズアブ科 Conopidae メバエ科 Solvidae Xylophagidae |
MOGI, Motoyoshi | 1976 | A new species of Brachytarsina (Diptera, Streblidae) from the Ryukyu Islands | Kontyû | 44(3):323-326 | Streblidae コウモリバエ科 |
WATANABE, Mamoru;TAKAHASI, Hirosi | 1971 | Descriptions of two new species of horse flies from Japan (Diptera: Tabanidae) | Kontyû | 39: 132-135 | Tabanidae アブ科 |
SUWA, Masaaki | 1971 | A new species of the genus Smidtiola Mesnil from Japan (Diptera: Tachinidae) | Kontyû | 39(3):292-293 | Tachinidae ヤドリバエ科 |
市田忠夫 | 1994 | 青森県のミバエ科 | Celastrina | 29 | Tephritidae ミバエ科 |
K. Tsurut , I. M. White | 1997 | A Preliminary Notes on the Host-plants of Fruit Flies of the Tribe Dacini (Diptera, Tephritidae) in Sri Lanka | Esakia | 37 | Tephritidae ミバエ科 |
S. Ito | 1960 | Eine neue Trypetide von Hikosan (Diptera) | Esakia | 2 | Tephritidae ミバエ科 |
市田忠夫 | 1995 | 神奈川県のミバエ科 ~脇一郎氏が1994年に採集した標本~ | 神奈川虫報 | 110:19-23 | Tephritidae ミバエ科 |
市田忠夫 | 1996 | 神奈川県のミバエ科 ~脇一郎氏が1995年に採集した標本~ | 神奈川虫報 | 115:15-18 | Tephritidae ミバエ科 |
市田忠夫 | 1998 | 安直同定 絵合わせ日本本土のミバエ | 双翅目談話会 | 総会資料 | Tephritidae ミバエ科 |
Nagatomi, A. & L. Lyneborg | 1989 | The Therevidae (Diptera) of Japan | Japanese Journal of Entomology | 57(2):347-373 | Therevidae ツルギアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A. & L. Lyneborg | 1989 | The Japanese Dichoglena and Pandivirilia (Diptara, Therevidae) | Japanese Journal of Entomology | 57(3) | Therevidae ツルギアブ科 |
Nagatomi, A. & L. Lyneborg | 1988 | The Japanese Acrosathe (Diptera, Therevidae) | Kontyû | 56(3):600-617 | Therevidae ツルギアブ科 |
永冨・大石 | 2000 | 日本産ツルギアブの同定 | はなあぶ | 9 | Therevidae ツルギアブ科 |
TAKAHASHI, Mitsuo | 1960 | New species of Japanese Ctenophorini with the notes and key to the already known species (Deptera, Tipulidae) Part I. Japanese species of the genus Tanyptera | Mushi | 33(3): 9-17 | Tipulidae ガガンボ科 |
TAKAHASHI, Mitsuo & D. Elmo Hardy | 1960 | New species of Japanese Ctenophorini with the notes and key to the Already known species (Diptera,Tipulidae) Part II. Japanese species of Ctenophora (Phoroctenia) and Ctenophora (Ctenophora) | Mushi | 34(4): 101-113 | Tipulidae ガガンボ科 |
Pjotr Oosterbroek | 1985 | The Nephrotoma Species of Japan (Diptera, Tipulidae) | Tijdschrift voor Entomologie | 127 | Tipulidae ガガンボ科 |
TOKUNAGA, Masaaki | 1938 | NEW OR LITTLE-KNOWN TRICHOCRIDAE FROM JAPAN | TENTHREDO | II(2): | Trichoceridae ガガンボダマシ科 |